"The bones of the skeleton which support the body can become the bars of the cage which imprison the spirit. "

The following examples are from a favorite yoga book: Emergence of Yoga by T.K. Shribhashyam. If you are new to yoga, or are not aware of your physical capacity, or have known medical issues, please. seek professional guidance and training before following any of the examples provided.

The following examples T.K. Shribhashyam terms 'Life Saving Sessions' as he explains: "Although my father [Sri T.Krishnamacharya] never imposed his religious beliefs on his students...to inspire his Western students to discover and pursue their spiritual path, he called some of the practice sessions Life Saving Sessions""Practice of these sessions helps awaken and develop the concept of the Soul in Westerners."

Here are some examples of general yoga sessions.

The following examples are from a favorite yoga book: Emergence of Yoga by T.K. Shribhashyam. If you are new to yoga, or are not aware of your physical capacity, or have known medical issues, please. seek professional guidance and training before following any of the examples provided.

music for meditation